Python Roadmap: A Comprehensive Guide to Mastering Python🚀

Python Roadmap: A Comprehensive Guide to Mastering Python🚀


7 min read

- Welcome to the blog! My name is Shashank, and I'm a student in the AI&ML branch. Don't worry, this is not going to be another inappropriate roadmap blog. This is where I unleash my technical side and write about my interest in python. you'll find it all here. So buckle up and take note of an interesting roadmap.

In early 2019 after my 10th standard, I decided to study Diploma and, I took Electrical engineering after some time I realize this branch is not meant for me I didn't have the option to switch branch to computer science. So I study Electrical Engineering so miserably and did not focus on any subject I ended up with an average CGPA in that course. In btech, I don't want to make another mistake like that. So I decided to get into AI&ML. In BTech, I ended up happy, after I realize I need to learn new languages and tech, after sometime research on some documentation I finally decided to learn python as my first programming language.

So what is Python? Python is a high-level programming language that supports object-oriented programming(OOP is a way of designing software around data and objects). Python is the world's fastest-growing language among geeks. And it is easier to write code and understandable language not unlike java, and C++. You can use Python to build web apps, mobile apps, and desktop applications as well as software testing and even hacking.

why are you learning python? Before you decided to learn python make your goals clear and make sure what you want to do, whether it is to building projects, web applications, or mobile apps like Instagram or Facebook. Make sure the end goals and focus on what you need. stay consistent throughout learning python.

  • { When I decided to learn python my goal is to make a mobile application }

Learning guides! They are so many documentation, course, and tutorial videos on youtube, paid and unpaid courses as well. When you see various courses you ended being uninterested and can choice misled by others to learn or learn that. so make sure your choice and interest in that course.

Basics concepts in python :

Data Types & Variables

Basic data types — integers, floats, strings, and boolean

  • Variables & the Assignment Operator (=)

  • Overriding behavior of the Assignment Operator

  • Valid variable names in Python

  • Arithmetic Operators — addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, floor division, module, exponentiation (basically math stuff)

  • Precedence of Arithmetic Operators — basically BODMAS / PEDMAS rule stating whether addition, multiplication, brackets come first etc

  • Basic String Operators — concatenation (adding string together)& multiplication

  • Type Casting — basically forcibly changing a variable’s type

  • Comments in Python — stuff we write that is ignored by Python

  • User Input — allowing users to interact with your Python program

  • Compound Assignment Operators (+=, -=, *= and so on)

Quick Concept Check:

  • Create 3 variables x=1, y=2 and z=3. Without changing these variables, print the string “x is 1, y is 2 and z is 3”

If Else Statements

  • Boolean Operators (==, >, <, >=, <= & !=)

  • Logical Operators (and, or & not)

  • Syntax of basic if, elif & else statements

Quick Concept Check:

  • Create a variable score and assign it to an integer. Write a program that prints “Grade A” if the score is above 80, “Grade B” if the score ranges from 50 to 79 and “Grade C” if the score is below 50.

  • Comment Down the answer if you try

Basic For Loops

  • Syntax of basic for loops

  • The range function & its 3 parameters — start, end, step

Quick Concept Check:

  1. Using a for loop, print the string “apple” 5 times

  2. Using a for loop, print out the numbers 1 to 5

  3. Using a for loop, print out the numbers 2, 4, 6, 8, 10

Basic While Loops

  • Syntax of Basic While Loops

  • Stopping Condition VS Looping Condition

  • Forcibly breaking infinite While Loops (Depending on IDE)

Quick Concept Check:

  1. Using a while loop, write

  2. Using a while loop, write a program that continuously prompts the user for input, and exits only when the user types “exit”

Basic Functions

  • Basic function syntax: def keyword, function name, parameters

  • return keyword (vs print keyword)

  • Calling our function

Quick Concept Check:

  1. Write a function add that takes in 2 integers and returns their sum

  2. Write a function greet that takes in a string name and an integer age, and returns a string “Hello, my name names*,* and I am age this year.”

  3. Write a function circle_area that takes in 1 integer radius, and returns the area of a circle. (area of circle = pi * radius²)

Strings & String functions

  • Basic String Operators — Concatenation & Multiplication

  • String Indexing (getting 1 character inside a string)

  • String Slicing (getting more than 1 character inside the string)

  • Common String Functions — len, upper, lower, strip, find, count, replace

  • Whitespace characters — space, tab and newline characters

  • Iterating through a string — for loop, while loop

Basic Lists

  • Basic List Syntax

  • Basic List Operators — Addition & Multiplication

  • List Indexing (getting 1 element inside the list)

  • List Slicing (getting more than 1 element inside the list)

  • Append function (adding elements to the back of the list)

  • Replacing existing elements in the list

  • Iterating through a list — for loop, while loop

  • Common List Functions — len, append, in, find count

Basic Dictionaries

  • Basic Dictionary Syntax

  • Significance of Keys & Values in dictionaries

  • What makes a key a valid key

  • Accessing values in dictionaries

  • Adding new key-value pairs

  • Iterating through dictionaries — for loop

  • Common Dictionary Functions — len, in, get, keys, values, items

File Reading & Writing

  • The syntax for file reading & writing

  • Mode: read vs append vs write

  • Iterating through lines of the read file

The above figure shows the python data types in a clear and interesting structure so check it. Building projects while learning can be a good choice and contribute to open source your decision may become a big difference while learning. In python, they are various frameworks for different web development, desktop application, and machine learning.

Frames for web development

  1. Django

  2. Pyramid

  3. Bottle

For building desktop application

  1. PyQT

  2. Tkinter

  3. Kivy

For machine learning

  1. TensorFlow

  2. PyTorch

  3. sci-kit learn

Best resources to learn python

Crash Course on Python | Coursera: Python course offered by google it is beginner friendly course, in a weekly test will be conducted and you will also have discussion sessions with students like you ( use financial aid ) Professor David Malan explains more interesting detail in python with games and interesting projects to build in between, so it is worth checking out.


  • Be consistent, if you are not consistent enough, time and effort will increase day by day.

  • Build projects, while building projects it may give you some motivation to learn more and enhance python, it will affect your learning and you may learn fast.

  • Join hackathons, hackathons are a great place to showcase your learning and upskill yourself in some different frameworks as well. collaborating with other teammates give you networking opportunity as well.

  • Stick to your core goal and don't skip to another programming language in between.

  • Contribute to open source.

  • Practice 2-3 hrs a day and do regular questions related to your previous learnings.


As we come to the end of this blog about Python Roadmap, we hope that you have found all the information enlightening and helpful. Python is a popular programming language and mastering it can be a great asset in your career.

By following the comprehensive guide outlined in this blog, you will be able to enhance your knowledge of the language and become good at writing Python programs. Remember, practice makes perfect. So, take on challenging projects and keep building your skills. Lastly, don't forget that programming is not an overnight journey. Keep at it, stay open to learning new things, and strive to be better every day.

I wish you all the best on your Python journey!